Meta's World

What's going on with Meta, random thoughts, PMS induced rants, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


This week children provided the majority of my entertainment. They say the darndest things. And do the craziest ish!

My son Jordan told me he was tired of everyone talking about my book and not his. I told him he was jealous. He told me he wasn't jealous he was a journalist. I asked him what a journalist was. He said someone who writes. He told me he has a book coming out and it's called the Biggest Club in the World. He is 5. I was floored. That was the best thing he could have ever said. He's a great little artist, a good photographer, and has a great imaginination. I am now obsessed with him becoming a writer.

My "neice" Jewels sang Honkey Tonk Badonkadonk to me. Yes she's black. Yes I know and love the song. She is also 5. She cracked me the hell up. The whole time my son Jordan is like "don't say that word. ooh you said a bad word." I had to explain that Honkytonk is not the word Honky. My child detests any profanity or vulgarity. He so did not inherit that from me. Or his dad. Proof that children get here so pure and untainted. We put the garbage in their heads. Jewels also told me that men could model in tuxedos but they had to pose a certain way, and she proceded to throw up peace signs and gaze into the distance. She looked at her watch. She hit the one knee pose. She was doing it. Then she did the runway. I fell out laughing. She makes me want a daughter.

Caden, is another shorty who is 3 and too too cute. He can be very sweet and childlike one minute. But the next... He's still sweet and charming, but I swear he is chaneling a 30 year old man's spirit. Possibly Biggie Smalls. He greeted me at the door singing something I couldn't quite understand. He was very lively and animated. Even though I didn't understand what was going on I was too entertained because his hair was all wild and curly and I wanted to pinch his little cheeks thinking "aww he's singing a little nursery rhyme" and then one thing came out loud and clear. "I love it when they call me Big Poppa, throw your hands in the air if you's a true player cuz I see some ladies tonight who should be havin my baby. Baby!" Then he ran away and started playing blocks and cars with Jordan.

When Jordan was like 2, he fell in love with Usher. He watched the 8701 concert dvd everynight. He memorized it ALL. Every moan, sigh, shout, EVERYTHING. And he added in costume changes. He would put on my Fedora for My Way, his Braves hat (he made me buy one) for You Make Me Wanna, and made me a backup dancer and wardrobe stylist. He did this EVERY SINGLE DAY. Let's just put it this way, if I were at a club and You Don't Have To Call came on, you'd see that I'm actually real nice when it comes to dancing and I should be on tour with Usher or at least in his video. Folks used to come to my crib and just enjoy the show. He outgrew it though after Confessions got old. But for 2 and a half years, Usher was the man in our crib. I'm so glad Ursher took a break!

Then on the flip side I see My Super Sweet 16 and I just want to puke. What happens to them? It's not so bad that their parents want to throw a bash for them. Hell I love to party! But these kids feel like they are so entitled and so many of them show no humility or gratitude. What I can't believe is that some parent lets their child go on national TV talking about what their parents BETTER do. If I said some ish like that now my parents would literally kill me. KILL ME DEAD. I can get grown, but that's not being grown, that's talking about your parents like they're some fool off the street. That's not respecting your parents but then, the parents don't seem like they want to be respected. They want to be liked. If your kids like you a lot when they're teenagers, parents you're doing it wrong. They have to like you enough and trust you enough to come to you, but not so much that they think they can play you and try you like you're the kid and they're the adult.

Well, speaking of shorties, I better go check on mine!


Monday, April 24, 2006

I don't like Charlie Sheen

And I don't think you should either. I don't know if dude is still making movies or on TV but back in the day I thought he was hot. That was until all the Heidi Fleis stuff because men who go to hookers disgust me. Oddly enough hookers don't disgust me as much as the johns do. Double standard? Maybe. Sue me. But I digress.

Anyway what is really creepy about old Chuckie boy is that he called his wife two words that are just WRONG. He called her a cunt and a nigger. Yeah Charlie dropped the N bomb and the C bomb. I'm calling on folks to not support this man's crappy movies or tv shows. He could say he called her a nigger because she's "ignorant" and that's what the word means, but I wouldn't buy it.

I'm not gonna dog him out because that's not really what I do on my blog. I'm just asking that people don't support him because he uses the word nigger and that's been taped so it's kind of not a he-say she-say thing. Anyhoo, judge (or judge not lest ye be judged) for yourself. And pray for all parties involved.

Read the court papers from Denise Richards on The Smoking Gun

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Best Bloody Show on the Telly

I am obsessed with the TV show Footballer's Wives. It's a British show about what else, the lives of the footballer's (soccer players) wives that comes on BBC America on Sunday Nights at 10pm. They are now re-running the entire third season, so check it out if you're not up on it.

I'm not into Desperate Housewives because it's just a little too tame and campy for me. Now Footballer's Wives, that's a SHOW. There's lots of "shagging and sodding about", liberal use of unedited profanity and nudity (no full frontal on the guys unfortunately...damn I miss OZ), and the craziest storylines ever. The show is also very diverse and multi-racial.

And for once, there's a black woman on TV with a great career who is cute to death, happens to be a beautiful brown complexion so there's no question that she is in fact black. And she happens to be kicking it with one of the star footballers who happens to be white (and FINE!).

If you're gonna go there, GO THERE!On the show no one seems to have any problem with the whole color thing which is awesome. Would never happen on American TV.

Even my fiance watches it with me. Mostly we try to translate some of the dialogue because even though it's in English, it's in ENGLISH and there are times when I have no clue what their slang means. The blond in the top pic is the "star" Tanya and the Indian babe is her rival Amber. The guy in the middle is Conrad and he's married to Amber. They tried to have a threesome with Tanya but she said no way, she wants Conrad for herself. But Conrad also has a thing for ding-a-ling. That's right. He's Bi. Still Tanya will stop at nothing to get Conrad. Then there's the hermaphrodite baby storyline, the gambling addiction, a little drug action, an Asian triad hell bent on revenge, garish makeup, bad weaves. I'm telling you, it's awesome. We're about two seasons behind England and since I am obsessed I already know what's going to happen after reading the episode synopses. But it's still fun to watch it all unfold. So check it out. I'm telling you, you'll never watch Desperate Housewives again!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mr. Marcus & Karinne

Well I just read while surfing the web today that Karinne's sex tape with Mr. Marcus came out this week. I actually saw this a while ago. I laughed the whole time because her acting wasn't really all that bad. At least as far as porn goes. She destroyed Marcus in more ways than one. He asks her name and she says "Honey motherf*cker. Honey." He asks if her name is "Honey Motherf*cker" and she says "No motherf*cker. Just Honey." For some reason (aside from my insanity) I found those lines hilarious. I was screaming at my fiance "Honey Motherf*cker, Honey!" for a week.

The crazy thing is, Mr. Marcus used to be my dream f*ck. I wanted to do him something terrible. I even showed my mom who he was like, isn't he sexy? I just loved that he always did it with a hat on. Until I saw the tape. Now he's tainted. No longer my dream f*ck, but still by far my favorite porn star. (Why are ALL the other black guys in porn so UGLY?) Me & Mr. Marcus are actually cool lil internet friends although I got ghost for a sec finishing my book and didn't contact him when I was supposed to. (Marcus if you're reading I swear I'm going to call you about our project, I didn't forget but I am so busy so I'll pass on any knowledge and connects I can. I promise).

I feel bad for Karrine because she's trying to make a new life. But not that bad because it was her choice and she signed a release. Unless she was high when she signed it and can prove it, she's out of luck as far as stopping the tape. She says she wants her cut and will donate it to charity. I hope it's the Naim Steffans College Fund. She should educate her son with that money if she wants to put it to good use. Or get a degree for herself. Fame in the entertainment industry is fickle and she isn't liked by so many people. She should invest that dough for a rainy day, because despite what Toni Tony Tone says it does rain like hell in Southern California.

Vivid Video better be careful because she trademarked her name (Superhead) too and they used it she says they used an unauthorized photo. Whatever the case I wish her luck AND I wish Marcus luck. Yeah, I'm Switzerland on this one. Neutral as hell. I just hope none of my "personal tapes" surface. I mean, if I had one I wouldn't want it to come out. I'm not saying I have one. Oh let me just quit while I'm ahead.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Random rambles

I can't focus right now. I don't know what's up. I think it's the fact that Ohio is very very very very very boring. Even when I drive into Cleveland, it has no energy. If anyone out there is from Northeast Ohio, hit me up and tell me the fun stuff to do. A good salsa club would be nice. Where do the grown and sexy hang out? I don't want to get shot at some teeny bopper club. I know they're out there....

I'm afraid to take my driver's license test. I'm afraid I'll fail. Isn't that insane? I mean, what would be the harm if I did. I could just take it again. But I'd feel like such an idiot. Something about the DMV, courts, and the police stations here give me the heebie jeebies. I always feel like I'm on the defensive, like I'm a breath away from being arrested or accused of something. People stare a lot in my tiny town. Folks say "it's cuz they don't know you." It's rude is what it is. If you stare you should speak. The police in this crazy backwards town of Conneaut (not where I live but close enough) already surrounded my car for a "routine traffic stop" and had my son all freaked out. Then when I went to court the judge had a black woman arrested for contempt and had her kids put in foster care. No one in that courtroom, white or black who was up for a case thought she was being intentionally disrespectful. It sooooo was not contempt. I worked at the ACLU in Chicago when I was younger and I know contempt when I see it. The folks there would drop their jaws in amazement in this land that time forgot. But I digress. Then all these people who were in court with me started telling me how crazy the police are in Conneaut. This man (he was white) got pulled over for not going fast enough once the light turned green. Another guy (again he was white) said he's been pulled over on "suspicion" 8 times in a year. Now a lot of the people who live there have houses that sit on wheels. And it isn't what you'd call a metropolis. But that's nuts. It's hard to feel at ease or comfortable after something like that. Other towns like Ashtabula and Geneva aren't so bad. Not at all. And the closer you get to Cleveland people seem to resume their manners. But Conneaut Ohio is the new "Armpit of America". I hate it there and don't drive there unless I HAVE to. It is my least favorite city in Earth. Thank God I don't live there.

I can't wait till summer. I'm Miami bound to start looking for my dream crib. OK not the deep sleep dream crib, but a daydream crib. My dream crib costs a few mil. I can't wait to move back to Miami. As a friend of mine would say, "I miss it like candy". (He wore braces and couldn't eat it). Miami is such a beautiful city. Living there isn't like vacationing there; there's a lot of bullshit attached to that place, and folks aren't really all that friendly there either (drunk and high people at clubs don't count). But I still love it. I love the heat, the sun, the ocean. I love that if I want almost any kind of food I can get it. I love the glamor. I love the grime. I love the clubs. I hate the crime. Hey that rhymes. That too. See what boredom can make you do?

I am a nerd. But the geek shall inherit the earth. Bill Gates anyone?

Aren't some "celebrity blogs", "entertainment shows" and tabloids getting a little too mean? Talk about Tom Cruise all you want, but most people are just trying to live life and have flaws and imperfections. Scathing critique of your looks, personal life, love life and family shouldn't be the price of fame.

I keep getting this weird feeling, like there's a glitch in the Matrix. My spidey senses are tingling. Some wild shit is about to happen. I don't know where, when or why, but a big event is on the horizon. It will be religious in nature. Oh what do you want from me? I can't predict the future. I'm That's So Raven kind of psychic. But something or someone is coming...

No, it is not men in white coats coming to cart me off. I'm sane. I think. Just procrastinating when it comes to getting my damn drivers license! I'm doing everything but go to get it. But I better get cracking. I will post something more profound later...
