Meta's World

What's going on with Meta, random thoughts, PMS induced rants, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Monday, March 22, 2004

City Of God

Had a decent Sunday. I watched a lil arena football (don't even ask why!) and then went to see this movie called City of God. An awesome flick. Everybody check it out. It has a moving storyline, a lovable hero, anti-heros you love to hate, but it is GRAPHIC! Think along the lines of a Brazilian Pulp Fiction. This movie is gangster to the second power! Not in that ghetto fabulous commercialized gangster way but the real deal super gully gangster. Street life in the favelas (slums) of Rio is no joke. I don't see why anyone would want to willingly live the street life. Chances are you won't go out in a "blaze of glory", but like a coward begging for your life. Or you'll get locked up. Neither option seems rational.

The movie is in Portuguese, but subtitled. I actually understood some of it (woohoo). It's one of those good flicks where you forget that it isn't in English, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. After the movie I went for Italian food and had a really good time. Ate like a pig, had a glass of wine and some good conversation. Missed the Sopranos though (ahhh!). What? Could this be that outside of work, I am beginning to have a life?

But there is a downside. Bought Prince tix today, but the seats suck major ass! I am so pissed. I was in line at Tickemaster, and on the phone, and a mere like 3 or 4 minutes after the tickets went on sale, all the good seats were gone. Now I have to find a credible scalper to exchange these tix for some good ones, because this is the last tour and I want to actually see him this time. If I had bought a solo ticket I could have had a pretty good seat. So for the first time, having a date actually screwed me a little (and not in the way that I like to be screwed!!) But I am glad to have a date, because my buddy is mad fine and mad fun. Now the hardest part of the whole concert going process...WHAT TO WEAR??? The show isn't until June, but I've got to look fly. It's gonna be one of those dress to impress functions for me. I've got to look like walking SEX, but not too slutty. Shit! It's Prince dammit!!


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